How to Enable Multiple Gesture Recognizer!

Monica Jose
3 min readAug 6, 2021

Gestures are actually touches and movements of one or more fingers that happen on a specific area of the Android or iOS Mobile screen. YelloStack, the leading Mobile Application Development Company in Saudi Arabia. They are experts in developing and enabling multiple Gesture Recognizers on new iOS Technologies using the Swift language.

Gesture recognizers are a powerful and easy to use tool for handling user gestures like tap, pinch, swipe, slide, rotate and performing actions like triggering animations or view changes. This is a quick guide for the steps in setting up gesture recognizers.

Enabling Multiple Gesture Recognizer Options:

There are many built-in gesture recognizer options available in iOS, as follows below.

1. UITapGestureRecognizer:

Tap Gesture can be configured with the number of required taps to handle single, double, or more taps.

2. UILongPressGestureRecognizer:

Long Press Gesture can be configured with the required delay to be considered a long press. Defaults to 0.5 seconds.

3. UIPinchGestureRecognizer:

Pinch Gesture is used for pinch in and pinch out, this gesture recognizer continuously outputs to a scale property as the user moves their finger.

4. UIRotationGestureRecognizer:

Rotate Gesture continuously outputs to rotation in radians.

5. UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer:

Can be configured with which edge to detect pans from. Only detects pan movements that begin from the specified edge.

6. UISwipeGestureRecognizer:

Swiping happens when dragging a finger towards a direction right, left, top and down in a photo app.

In the modern version, gestures are available as readymade package tools in iOS programming that can be worked on by the developers with ease.

Top 5 Popular Gesture Recognizers:

  1. Tap gesture recognizer
  2. Swipe gesture recognizer
  3. Pan gesture recognizer
  4. Pinch gesture recognizer
  5. Rotation gesture recognizer

How to add a Tap Gesture Recognizer to a UICollectionview?

To add a Tap Gesture Recognizer to a UICollectionView. We have two options to add a tap gesture recognizer to a view, in Code or in Interface Builder. The result is identical, but the execution is different. In CollectionViewCell you can declare a protocol method to delegate your tap action. Confirm delegate implementation in your view controller and finally implement your delegated method in your view controller.


  1. Your CollectionViewCell for the UITapGesture Recognizer should look like;

2. In ViewController — Collection View

3. Or to add UITapGestureRecognizer you can also add the following code into the cell of your collection view.


Implementing or detecting the gestures were tougher in the older iOS versions. Things have been simplified by the introduction of Multiple Gesture Recognizer. For the expert iOS developers, Contact YelloStack — The Best Mobile App Development Company in Saudi Arabia can create a simple application and add a tap gesture recognizer to detect single and double taps.

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